The priority moves away from conforming to the specification toward validating the true value of the features with a broad range of stakeholders and then implementing the key features early. 优先级从遵循移动至规格,以确认来自大量涉众的特性的价值,并使得实施关键特性变得更加轻松。
A low priority thread ( at priority P3) acquires the lock on an object and is pre-empted by a higher priority thread ( at priority P1), as the specification mandates. 就像规范要求的那样,一个低优先级线程(优先级P3)获取了一个对象的锁,会被一个高优先级(优先级P1)的线程夺取执行权。
The net effect is that P2 priority threads run in preference to the P1 thread which is not what the specification requires. 实际看到的效果是P2优先级的线程要优先于P1线程,而这并不是规范里要求的。
Testing whether the modified operating system support the priority ceiling protocol which the OSEK OS specification provided. 测试是否支持OSEKOS规范规定的优先级上限协议。
It makes the followings clear and specific: the cancel of the procedure of priority in dissent, separation from the procedure of adjudication supervision, specification in the cause of disputes, definiteness of the jurisdiction and hearing authorities, the judging modes and effectiveness of the judgment. 取消异议前置程序,与审判监督程序分立,细化异议事由,明确诉讼管辖和审理机构,对裁判模式及既判力等问题进行了明晰。